- Identify audience for Volunteering Event/Activities
- Develop an agenda for Volunteering Event/Activities
- Plan the logistics of your event for Volunteering Event/Activities
Find a location to host your event and decide on Volunteering Event/Activities
Here some options:
- Hands-on community event/activities
- Stream the videos relating to the skills you want to share
- Print and distribute the informational materials
Promote your Volunteering Event/Activities
- Create your event with us on Africa Volunteering Week at: com/groups/africavolunteeringweek/events/
- Invite friends through your event invitation, and consider adding a post to the Africa Volunteering Week newsfeed.
- Send an email, WhatsApp message or SMS to friends, family and others in your network inviting them to your Africa Volunteering Week #AVW event.
- Be sure to provide all the relevant details (date, location, etc.).
Report Back To Us your Volunteering Event/Activities.
- Tell us how your event went via the #AVW feedback form (available at https://www.facebook.com/groups/africavolunteeringweek
- We encourage pictures taken during all volunteering event to be share with us via Facebook group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/africavolunteeringweek by creating an album to showcase your great work to the world.
- Share your success on the Africa Volunteering Week Facebook Group page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/africavolunteeringweek) to inspire others to volunteer or host a volunteer event in their community.